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Brorsen E, Rasmussen TD, Ekstrøm CT, Osborne RH, Villadsen SF. Health literacy responsiveness: a cross-sectional study among pregnant women in Denmark. Scand J Public Health. April 2021. Doi: 10.1177/14034948211004320
Johnsen H, Christensen U, Juhl M, Villadsen SF. Implementing the MAMAACT Trial in Danish Antenatal Care: A qualitative study of non-Western women’s and midwives’ attitudes and experiences. Midwifery. April 2021. Doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2021.102935
Merry L, Villadsen SF, Sicard V, Lewis-Hibbert N. Transnationalism and care of migrant families during pregnancy, postpartum and early-childhood: an integrative review. BMC Health Serv Res. 20(1):778. August 2020. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17031040
Johnsen H, Christensen U, Juhl M, Villadsen SF. Organisational barriers to implementing the MAMAACT intervention to improve maternity care for non-Western immigrant women: a qualitative evaluation. Int J Nurs Stud, August 202. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103742
Villadsen SF, Hajer H, Ismail I, Osborne RH, Ekstrøm CT, Kayser L. ehealth literacy and health literacy among immigrants and their descendants compared to women of Danish origin: a cross-sectional study using a multi-dimensional approach among pregnant women. BMJ Open 2020. Doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037076
Contextual factors influencing the MAMAACT intervention: A qualitative study of non-western immigrant women's response to potential pregnancy complications in everyday life
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Addressing ethnic disparity in antenatal care: a qualitative evaluation of midwives’ experiences with the MAMAACT intervention
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Gestational diabetes risk in migrants. A nationwide, register-based study of all births in Denmark 2004 to 2015.
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Ethnic differences in the risk of caesarean section: a Danish population-based register study 2004-2015.
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Cerebral palsy among children of immigrants in Denmark and the role of socioeconomic status.
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Birthweight of babies born to migrant mothers – What role do integration policies play?
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Universal or targeted antenatal care for immigrant women? Mapping and qualitative analysis of practices in Denmark
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Interventionsforskning i en folkesundhedskontekst.
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Morbidity, self-perceived health and mortality among non-Western Immigrants and their descendants in Denmark in a life phase perspective.
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Recruitment of ethnic minorities for public health research: An interpretive synthesis of experiences from six interlinked Danish studies.
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Care during pregnancy and childbirth for migrant women: How do we advance? Development of intervention studies – The case of the MAMAACT intervention in Denmark
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Stillbirth and congenital anomalies in migrants in Europe.
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Higher rate of serious perinatal events in non-Western women in Denmark
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A Register-based study of diseases with an autosomal recessive origin in small children in Denmark according to maternal country of origin
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Severe maternal morbidity associated with maternal birthplace in three high-immigration settings.
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Breastfeeding practices in relation to country of origin among women living in Denmark: A population-based study
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Disparities in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia among immigrant women giving birth in six industrialised countries
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Maternal mortality among migrants in Western Europe: A meta-analysis
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Ethnic variation in oral cleft occurrence in Denmark 1981-2002
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Preterm birth and birthweight-for-gestational age among immigrant women in Denmark 1978-2007: A nationwide registry study
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Ethnic disparity in stillbirth and infant mortality in Denmark 1981-2003.
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